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% of communities (≥1,000 residents) citing availability of: 

% of communities (≥1,000 residents) citing availability of:
Canada % citing availability
Parks and green spaces 93%
Baseball or softball diamonds 90%
Ice rinks 88%
Soccer or football fields 84%
Community centres, halls, shared facilities 81%
Tennis or racquetball courts 79%
Basketball courts 73%
Playing and climbing structures 73%
Arenas 67%
Gyms 65%
Volleyball courts 64%
Skateboard or roller-blade facilities 61%
Swimming pools 58%
Wading pools, splash pads, other water facilities 54%
Weight rooms, cardio rooms, fitness equipment 52%
Golf courses or specialized golf domes 42%
Curling rinks 42%
Outdoor gym spaces 21%
Domes for sport 15%
(-) Suppressed cell  
2015 Survey of Physical Activity Opportunities in Canadian Communities