Research has shown that physical activity opportunities and experiences vary among certain populations. This section will highlight data on the physical activity, sport and recreation experiences of specific populations (e.g., women, older adults, and persons with a disability). To learn more about a certain group/topic simply click the buttons below.


Physical activity may be assessed in several different ways and different domains, such as through:

The Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute has monitored physical activity levels of children and youth through the CANPLAY study (the Canadian Physical Activity Levels Among Youth Study). CANPLAY uses pedometers to measure daily steps. In the most recent study years (2014-2016), children and youth ages 5 to 19 took approximately 11,300 steps/day on average. Average daily steps varied by region, age, gender, and various socio-economic factors. [1]

 The 2010-2011 Physical Activity Monitor asked parents about whether their child has participated in sport in the past 12 months. According to parents, 74% of children, between the ages of 5 and 17, participate in sport. 

The 2019-2021 Physical Activity Monitor asked Canadians whether they participated in sport in the last year. One-quarter (27%) of Canadian adults (18 years and older) participated in sport in 2019-2021.

Physical inactivity is a significant public health issue, as low levels of physical activity are associated with increased risk of non-communicable diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers), chronic disease risk factors (e.g. obesity and hypertension), anxiety and depression, and premature mortality [1],[2].

Participation in sport has many physical, social and economic benefits. There are a number of individual and environmental factors that are known to affect participation in sport such as age, gender, region, household income and education level. According to the Institute’s most recently published Physical Activity Monitor (2019-2021), 27% of Canadian adults report participating in sport [1]. According to our most current data, looking at sport participation among children and youth, approximately 75% of 5 to 17 year olds participated in sport in 2010-2011[2].