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% of adults who have heard about physical activity from a health care professional in the past year

% of adults who have heard about physical activity from a health care professional in the past year
Canada Yes No
Total, 18 years and older 40% 60%
Men 34% 66%
Women  45% 55%
18-24 years  - 68%
25-44 34% 66%
45-64 49% 51%
65 and older 52% 48%
Household income    
<$50,000/yr 32% 68%
$50,000-$99,999 39% 61%
≥$100,000 48% 52%
Community size    
<10,000 residents 35% 65%
10,000-99,999 44% 56%
≥100,000 38% 62%
NL 55% 45%
PE - 77%
NS - 68%
NB 51% 49%
QC 50% 50%
ON 34% 66%
MB - 57%
SK - -
AB - 77%
BC 46% -
YK - -
NT 39% 61%
NU - -
(-) Suppressed cell    
2014-2015 Physical Activity Monitor